Erosion - A natural process (weathering, dissolution, abrasion, corrosion, and transportation) by which material is worn away from the Earth's surface

Waves - Disturbances, oscillations, or vibrations, moving through water

Wind - A current of air, especially a natural one that moves along or parallel to the ground, moving from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure

Mechanical Weathering - The physical break down of rock

Chemical Weathering - Chemical reactions between H2O, CO2, Acids, and Rocks

Deposition - The natural process of laying down matter

Glacier - A large mass of ice moving very slowly through a valley or spreading outward from a center. Glaciers form over many years from packed snow in areas where snow accumulates faster than it melts. A glacier is always moving, but when its forward edge melts faster than the ice behind it advances, the glacier as a whole shrinks backward

Sediment - Solid fragmented material, such as silt, sand, gravel, chemical precipitates, and fossil fragments, that is transported and deposited by water, ice, or wind or that accumulates through chemical precipitation or secretion by organisms, and that forms layers on the Earth's surface. Sedimentary rocks consist of consolidated sediment

Abrasion - The process of wearing away a surface by friction. A rock undergoes abrasion when particles of sand or small pieces of rock are carried across its surface by a glacier, stream, or the wind

Oxidation - The chemical combination of substance with oxygen

Hydrolysis - The breaking down of a chemical compound into two or more simpler compounds by reacting with water. The proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates in food are broken down in the body by hydrolysis that is catalyzed by enzymes in the digestive tract

Carbonation - Saturation with Carbon Dioxide

Acid - Any of a class of compounds that form hydrogen ions when dissolved in water, and whose aqueous solutions react with bases and certain metals to form salts

Base - Any of a class of compounds that form hydroxyl ions (OH) when dissolved in water, and whose aqueous solutions react with acids to form salts.

Soil - A loose mixture of rock fragments and organic material that can support the growth of vegetation

Profile - An outline of an object, as a molding, formed on a vertical plane passed through the object at right angles to one of it's principle horizontal dimensions

Horizon - The line where the sky and the Earth appear to meet

Humus - Dark, organic material formed in soil from the decayed remains of plants and animals

Sheet Erosion - The process by which water flows over a layer of soil and removes the topsoil

Mass Movement - The movement of a large mass of sediment or a section of land down a slope

Solifluction - The slow, downslope flow of soil saturated with water in areas surrounding glaciers at high elevations

Creep - The slow downhill movement of weathered rock material

Landform - A physical feature of Earth's surface

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